Just when we all got used to our “new normal” during the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic, everything is changing again. We’re thrilled to be able to open the doors of the McCarl Dental Group office in Millersville, but we know that many of our patients are feeling a little worried about their safety during dental appointments, trips to the grocery store, and other everyday tasks we used to take for granted. During this uncertain time, social distancing is one of the main ways you can prevent exposure to COVID-19, but how can you maintain a 6-foot distance from others when you’re visiting the dentist? We’ve come up with great ways to keep you safe and practice social distancing in our Millersville dental office. Read this blog to find out about them!
Join Us in Our Virtual Waiting Room
One of the first things you’ll notice when you arrive at our Millersville dental office is that we are asking you to use your car as a waiting room. Instead of coming into the office, standing at the front desk, and sitting in the waiting area, we ask that you call us from the car when you drive up to the dental office. Our reception team will get all the necessary check in information from you. Then, they’ll remind you to put on your face mask. Once your dental treatment room is ready, a dental assistant will meet you at the car. They will ask you some screening questions and take your temperature, using a touchless forehead thermometer. Finally, they’ll walk you into your treatment room.
Minimized Numbers in the Office
In order to accommodate this new process and maintain strict safety and sanitation protocols, we are reducing the numbers of patients and employees in our dental office at any one time. This means we’re scheduling longer appointment times for each patient and seeing fewer patients during the same time period. In addition to minimizing the number of people in the office, this change also gives us the necessary time to sanitize rooms thoroughly between patients.
Personal Protection Equipment
We are asking that all patients wear masks when they visit our dental office for their safety and ours. You will be able to maintain the recommended 6-foot distance from all employees except for your dentist and dental assistant who will be working directly with you. These caregivers will be wearing several layers of personal protection equipment throughout the interaction. After removing your face mask, you will be instructed to use a mouth rinse that has been shown to minimize viruses. Additionally, we will use our suction system to minimize aerosol and we have invested in the Isodry system to further reduce aerosol during treatments.
Welcome Back to McCarl Dental Group of Millersville!
We know that all the changes and stress surrounding COVID-19 can feel overwhelming, but the McCarl Dental Group team has gone above and beyond to create a safe, stress-free dental office environment where you can receive the exceptional level of care you’ve come to expect from us. We’re so happy to be able to see all of you again in our Millersville dental office. If it’s time for your six month dental checkup and teeth cleaning or you need help with other oral healthcare needs, we’re here for you. Please give our team a call to get started today.